In order to offer this direct deposit enrolment service, Northern Birch Credit Union signed an extensive Terms of Use Agreement with the CRA which obliges us to use consent and privacy statements with all our clients who enroll in CRA direct deposit. By signing these consent and privacy statements you will acknowledge and agree that:
· To facilitate your direct deposit enrolment with the CRA:
o The CRA requires your name, bank account information, date of birth and social insurance number (SIN).
o Northern Birch Credit Union will provide to the CRA your name and bank account information as set out above, as well as the date of birth and SIN that we have on file for you.
· Once the CRA has completed your direct deposit enrolment, the Receiver General will deposit any amounts to be paid to you by the CRA.
The Government of Canada considers privacy and security of utmost importance in the issuance of payments. Any information you provide to the Government of Canada when you enroll for direct deposit is protected under the Government of Canada Privacy Act and as described in Receiver General Payments (Personal Information Bank PWGSC PCU 712).