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Fraud Prevention

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Know the latest scams
Scammers and fraudsters take many different approaches to try to trick people out of their money or personal information. 

Always take a few minutes to ask yourself, does this seem right? Take time to research if the source requesting the information is legitimate. If you're questioning something, get help from a family member or the relevant authorities. 

Stay up-to-date on the latest scams and get tips on protecting your information: 

- Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre 
- Canadian Bankers Association Fraud Prevention articles 
-Consumer Protection Ontario - Identify a Scam or Fraud
Preventing Fraud 

Your privacy and protection are our top priority. We have industry standard protections in place for online and mobile banking to help protect you. But we all have a role to play in the security of our online activities and we can work together to keep your information safe. 

Here are some tips we recommend to protect yourself and your personal information online: 

  • Monitor your financial accounts and activity frequently. If you see any transactions you don't recognize or understand, or appear suspicious, or if you suspect fraudulent activity, contact us immediately. 
  • Always ensure we have your most up-to-date mailing address, email and phone number on file so we can provide you with relevant updates and information. 
  • Do not click on links or provide confidential information or money in any situation where you cannot verify the authenticity of the request. Always check the sender email address or phone number. 
  • Be cautious of any unsolicited communication (phone calls, emails, text messages) that ask for your personal information or refer you to a webpage asking for any personal information. 
  • Do not enter any passwords or private information on unknown or illegitimate webpages. 

If you suspect fraud, you can report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. Your action helps law enforcement take action and prevent others from falling victim.

In addition to reporting suspected fraud or identity theft to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, you should also contact both of Canada’s national credit bureaus—Equifax Canada and TransUnion Canada—to order a free credit report and ask that a fraud alert be put on your file.


Tips to make your digital banking more secure

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Create strong banking passwords

Here are some guidelines for creating a strong password/Personal Access Code (PAC): 

  • When creating a new password, it must be a minimum of 8 characters and include upper & lower case letters, characters, and numbers. 

  • Using a long password or passphrase is better as it is more difficult to guess. 

  • Your passwords should all be unique. Using the same password across various platforms (for example, online banking, credit card accounts, social media) is a big security risk. If a criminal gets access to one of your passwords, they will try to access other systems using the same information. 

  • Security questions and passwords should not be related to information that someone can easily find online (like through Facebook or Instagram). 
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Set up automatic alerts

Our online & mobile banking platforms have various alert options to help you keep your accounts secure. You can set up alerts and be notified of new login attemps, password changes, the addition of new bill paymees and more. This is a great way to be immediately notified of any unexpected account activity. 

Setting up Alerts 

On online banking:
From the menu, click Messages and Alerts > Manage Alerts 
Set up and choose your options for alerts. 

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Set up Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit

Setting up Autodeposit on Interac e-Transfers® is safer than using a security question and password. By setting up Autodeposit, not only do you save time by avoiding extra steps, but it also prevents the notification email and/or password being intercepted by a bad actor. 

How do you set up Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit? 

On online banking: 
From the menu, click Transfers > Autodeposit. From here you can manage your Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit settings. 

Visit our Online Banking page to find out more about the additional security measures we have implemented, such as 2-Step Verification and Masking Personal Information. 

Stay alert and double-check suspicious messages!
Consider updating your password to an effective passphrase.
Your 2FA codes are key to your security - keep them safe!

Suspect fraud?

Contact our team to secure your account and to learn more about next steps.